Apple recruiting Googlers for Maps Help!
Here’s our daily pick of stories about Apple from around the web that you shouldn’t miss. Today’s installment: Apple is targeting Google Maps developers for help with its maps app, iPhone 5 stock, games could be harder to find in iOS 6 App Store, and more.
With so many people writing about Apple, finding the best stories and reports isn’t easy. Here’s our daily pick of stories about the company from around the Web that you shouldn’t miss:
- Its Maps app might not be as good as Google’s just yet, but Apple does know where to turn for help: Techcrunch quotes someone who says Apple is “actively” recruiting former Google Maps engineers.
- While Apple beefed up its own iPhone stock at its retail stores on iPhone 5 launch weekend this year, it doesn’t appear Apple extended that to its partner retailers like Best Buy and others, according to the Wall Street Journal.
- Considering Apple’s beef with Samsung over design similarities, some noted with sly amusement that a clock in iOS 6 bears an extremely close resemblance to a clock designed by the Swiss Federal Railway Service. The Swiss don’t intend to ask for money for the design license, they do plan to meet with Apple.(via CNET)
- Apple’s redesigned the App Store in iOS 6 to help users find more apps they like via the Genius tool. But the way search has been implemented in the redesign has some possibly negative implications, writes VentureBeat.
- Passbook is now on 100 million iOS devices, according to Apple. Just a few days after its debut in iOS 6, iDownload Blog says an Android equivalent is already available.