Samsung takes aim at iPhone 5 with latest Galaxy S III commercial
Samsung is going to run a new promotional advertisement for the Samsung Galaxy S III later tonight that directly takes on the iPhone 5 and its fans. The video primarily pokes fun at consumers willing to spend days in line for the iPhone 5 and its “new” features that can already be found in the Galaxy S III.
The Samsung Galaxy S III generally ridicules some of the new changes such as a larger screen, faster 4G, and new headphone placement. Whatever changes Apple implemented in the new iPhone 5 is immediately shown off on the Galaxy S III, thus reaffirming “The Next Big Thing is Already Here.” In addition, several features of the Galaxy S III are also on display such as S Beam, ShareShot, and its 4.8 inch display.
Feel free to watch the commercial below and let us know if you think it is an effective advertisement or not.