The JLE Guys are at it Again with Banned iPad Mini Promo

Not long ago the comedians behind JLE created quite a stir with their “Banned iPhone 5 Promo” and now they are at it again with a new video honoring the recently announced iPad Mini.  These guys have perfected the art of spoofing big tech launches and they do a great job of looking very Apple employee-like.  This latest three minute video takes on the iPad Mini camera, connector and display to name just a few things.
Today was supposed to be the big Google Nexus event where we were going to see new products like the LG Nexus phone, the Nexus 10 and and the 32 GB Nexus 7.  The last of those devices apparently launched without the event, as it has shown up for sale at several retail locations this morning, including Wal-Mart.  With all of that news now postponed indefinitely it’s a perfect day to kick back and enjoy a good, quick comedy video.

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