iPhone: Invisible Keybaord.
Kraeutli Florian, a student at the University of London, has
developed an innovative keyboard for smartphones which do not need any accessories
.The system is that unlike Bluetooth keyboards, works through vibrations made
in a surface. For this purpose it uses the accelerometer included in the telephone, in
this case an iPhone 4, to detect the strength and frequency of pulsations . This
way, the system compares this data with a reference database, detecting the
location of the key being pressed and then use the spelling rules. In the future of its development, the same
Kraeutli explains:
I'm getting signals are very weak. For now it is a concept,
but if you can increase the sensitivity of the accelerometer and can easily
improve the accuracy.
To demonstrate the capabilities of the system, its developer
has uploaded a video where you can see how the keyboard is tested by means of a
printed sheet. After this, the system is capable of detecting the pulses with
simply do so on a flat surface such as a table.
This project its still on a Beta version, but If this project grows, it is possible to see an application for this in the near future available in the App Store.